As shared in a recent post, I have been working on an educational picturebook called
'The Worry Monster', a product that positively encourages young children to express and discuss their difficult feelings with others. After completing my book, I wanted to get it professionally printed. I put a lot of hard work into the product itself, therefore I wanted to celebrate these efforts and actually see what my book looked like in physical form. Therefore I set out to do some online research, to discover the different companies which offered book printing services.
After a long search on the internet, I eventually found a website called 'Blurb' which matched my specific printing requirements for my book. They even had a special page on their website dedicated to children's books, therefore it was perfect! The website itself was really easy to navigate and allowed me to print my book effortlessly. It seemed like a worthwhile service to invest in, especially with my interests to pursue children's book illustration as a career.
A few days after sending my book off, I eventually received a copy in the post. I'm incredibly proud of this project and what I've managed to create, therefore to have a physical copy of my book made all these efforts worthwhile.
Here are some images of my final book:
