Denise Couroux is a Fine art and English literature graduate, who previously studied at the University of Chester. Her aim throughout this lecture, was to speak about her experience within the art industry, giving us insight into her design journey. Since graduating, she has taken up numerous career paths and roles, where she is now working in the Tate Liverpool as an Assistant Exhibitions Registrar. In her discussion, Denise spoke about the value in her past experience. You may have to work in lots of different jobs and places to get to where you want to be. People take different routes and paths to get to their final destination, as every job has a value.

Although Denise’s area of specialities within the arts is different to mine, I still found her discussion extremely valuable and relevant to my practice. I gained a lot of useful knowledge and information, especially with regards to her discussion on communication. Denise spoke about the importance of networking and making links. As artists, we should be building online connections with clients, businesses and fellow designers, as she greatly emphasised the value in setting up a LinkedIn profile. Prior to this discussion, I was already aware of this website. I feel that this is something which I’ve neglected within my practice and have shied away from. After listening to Denise’s discussion, I decided to join this website. I previously discussed my ambitions of going freelance, as I hope this provides the main foundations for my networking journey.

Linked in profile (still a work in progress)

Adding to this discussion, Denise made the point that networking isn’t this big and terrifying thing which people make it out to be. It’s actually a really enjoyable process once you get the hang of it. The design world is full of great opportunities and fantastic people to speak too. It’s about sharing your interests with these individuals, and
showing them what you’re capable of
Denise also noted a helpful resource through the university, which is the careers and employability department. As this is how she got her first design job. She spoke about how they work closely alongside students to help search for local jobs, positions, and give CV consultations. I think this is something which I’m particularly curious to look into, as it may provide some further insight into the future opportunities that are available
within my practice.

Overall, I found Denise’s discussion very insightful. It has allowed me to cover some areas in my work that I had previously not considered.