In a recent brief, I was tasked to create a piece of work inspired by the word 'Frankenstein'. I had to take this word and re-adapt it through my own visual style. Through my interpretation, I wanted to take my previous interests in children's illustration and expand it into a new way of working. This is where I went down the route of children's clothing and textiles.
Rather than focusing on the word Frankenstein alone, I wanted to centre on the theme of monsters through a children's perspective by exploring fun and playful clothing strategies. With this approach in mind, I ended up creating these monster pocket t-shirts which showcase a small reversible toy that children could play with, as well as a pocket to store the object. Rather than creating a surface print design, I wanted my clothing to showcase 3D and playful elements which children could physically engage with. When I was doing my initial research for this project, I discovered that children like the sensation of touch and feel. Therefore, I tried to incorporate these elements into the final products, as seen below.
To expand this idea of creating interactive clothing, I'd like to be able to photograph these products on children. Due to the current climate, unfortunately, this is not an option at the moment. However, once I have the opportunity I'd love to be able to take some professional images.

As seen below I tried to create these very humorous and playful looking monster characters which children could interact with. I also thought I'd include some of my developmental illustrations for this project. In these first initial drawings, every monster has its own personality and individual look about them. This became a key feature within the final t-shirt designs.

Monster illustrations incorporated into t-shirt designs

Developmental illustrations
Overall I'm really happy with what I've managed to create during this project. It displayed to me that illustration can be adapted into lots of different styles. Prior to this project, I had never made any form of clothing before therefore it was interesting to see my work through another medium. I enjoyed experimenting with something different for a change.