For as long as I can remember, I've been completely fasciated by picturebooks. From the creative storylines, powerful characters and imaginative illustrations, everything about these books is striking. In a current essay, I've been studying the educational value of picturebooks, as a resource for social and emotional learning. This project has really pushed my research and writing skills. I've looked into child development and the educational policies, conducting several interviews with foundation phase teachers. I feel that I've stepped into another subject, by combining illustration with education. With my dreams of becoming an illustrator, it only seemed natural to base my essay on this subject. This project has allowed me to get to know my audience and who I'll be designing for.
As part of this research, I've been expanding my picturebook collection. I thought I'd share some of my favourites:
Everyone's familiar with the rainbow fish. It tells the story of a lonely fish who neglects the power of friendship. In hope to turn around his actions, he learns that sharing his special scales brings happiness to others, and himself. This book teaches children the importance of sharing, by being kind to others.

The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
The big bright feelings books by Tom Percival are a new addition to my collection. These are excellent books, helping children to discuss issues surrounding mental health, anxiety, self-esteem and loneliness. They display some beautiful monochromic scenes, capturing these emotions perfectly. Through witnessing the characters journey, children learn how to cope with their difficult feelings.

I'm hoping to use these illustrations as inspiration for my exhibition piece.

The big bright feelings books by Tom Percival
Some more of my favourites:

Rosie's Walk by Pat Hutchins
I really love this book... It was one of my favourites growing up. I can now appreciate this story even more. The illustrations have been cleverly used to guide the narrative's meaning. Each change in scene brings a sense of the unknown.

More of the collection